Refereed article |
Proceedings |
Book |
147 |
Gay B. & Galtier S.
Asymmetric Dual Cascade in Gravitational Wave Turbulence
11 pages, submitted (2025); arXiv:2501.17023v1
146 |
Simon P., Sahraoui F., Galtier S., Laveder D., Passot T. & Sulem P.-L.
Impact of Pressure Anisotropy on the Cascade Rate of Hall-MHD Turbulence with Bi-Adiabatic Ions
Phys. Rev. E 111, 015210 (2025); arXiv:2406.04978v1
145 |
Galtier S.
Wave Turbulence: A Solvable Problem Applied to the Navier-Stokes Equations
Comptes Rendus. Physique 25, 433-455 (2024); arXiv:2402.14999v1
144 |
Gay B. & Galtier S.
Gravitational Wave Turbulence: A Multiple Time Scale Approach for Quartic Wave Interactions
Phys. Rev. D 109, 083531, 20 pages (2024); arXiv:2402.05614v1
143 |
David V., Galtier S. & Meyrand R.
Monofractality in the Solar Wind at Electron Scales: Insights from KAW Turbulence
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 085201 (2024); arXiv:2312.14546v1
142 |
Galtier S.
A Multiple Time Scale Approach for Anisotropic Inertial Wave Turbulence
J. Fluid Mech. 974, A24, 17 pages (2023); arXiv:2310.14640v1
141 |
Galtier S.
Fast Magneto-acoustic Wave Turbulence and the Iroshnikov-Kraichnan Spectrum
J. Plasma Physics 89, 905890205, 26 pages (2023); arXiv:2303.00643v1
140 |
David V. & Galtier S.
Locality of Triad Interaction and Kolmogorov Constant in Inertial Wave Turbulence
J. Fluid Mech. Rapids 955, R2 (2023); arXiv:2212.04995v1
138 |
David V. & Galtier S.
Wave Turbulence in Inertial Electron MHD
J. Plasma Physics 88, 905880509, 32 pages (2022); arXiv:2209.08577
137 |
Andres N., Sahraoui F., Huang S., Hadid L.Z. & Galtier S.
About the Incompressible Energy Cascade Rate in Anisotropic Solar Wind Turbulence
Astron. & Astrophys. 661, A116 (2022); arXiv:2112.13748
136 |
David V., Galtier S., Sahraoui F. & Hadid L.
Energy Transfer, Discontinuities and Heating in the Inner Heliosphere Measured with a Weak and Local Formulation of the Politano-Pouquet Law
Astrophys. J. 927, 200 (2022); arXiv:2201.02377v1
135 |
Ferrand R., Sahraoui F., Galtier S., Andres N., Mininni P. & Dmitruk P.
An In-depth Numerical Study of Exact Laws for Compressible Hall MHD Turbulence
Astrophys. J. 927, 205 (2022); arXiv:2201.10819v1
134 |
Ferrand R., Sahraoui F., Laveder D., Passot T., Sulem P.-L. & Galtier S.
Fluid Energy Cascade Rate and Kinetic Landau Damping: 3D Landau-Fluid Simulations
Astrophys. J. 923(1), 122 (2021); arXiv2109.03123v1
133 |
Galtier S. & Nazarenko S.
Direct Evidence of a Dual Cascade in Gravitational Wave Turbulence
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 131101 (2021) - Editors' suggestion ; arXiv:2108.09158v1
132 |
Andres N., Sahraoui F., Hadid L.Z., Huang S.Y., Romanelli N., Galtier S., DiBraccio G. & Halekas J.
The Evolution of Compressible Solar Wind Turbulence in the Inner Heliosphere: PSP, THEMIS and MAVEN Observations
Astrophys. J. 919(1), 19 (2021)
131 |
David V. & Galtier S.
Proof of the Zeroth Law of Turbulence in 1D Compressible MHD and Shock Heating
Phys. Rev. E 103, 063217, 7 pages (2021)
129 |
Ferrand R., Galtier S. & Sahraoui F.
A Compact Exact Law for Compressible Isothermal Hall Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
J. Plasma Physics 87(2), 905870220, 11 pages (2021)
128 |
Huang S.Y et al.
The Ion Transition Range of Solar Wind Turbulence in the Inner Heliosphere: Parker Solar Probe Observations
Astrophys. J. Lett. 909(1), L7 (2021)
127 |
Galtier S.
Wave Turbulence: the Case of Capillary Waves (Review)
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 115, 234-257 (2021)
126 |
Ferrand R., Galtier S., Sahraoui F. & Federrath C.
Compressible Turbulence in the Interstellar Medium: New Insights from a Hight-resolution Supersonic Turbulence Simulation
Astrophys. J.904, 160, 7 pages (2020)
125 |
Galtier S., Laurie J. & Nazarenko S.
A Plausible Model of Inflation Driven by Strong Gravitational Wave Turbulence
Universe 6(7), 98, 16 pages (2020)
124 |
Menu M., Petitdemange L. & Galtier S.
Magnetic Effects on Fields Morphologies and Reversals in Geodynamo Simulations
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 307, 106542, 17 pages (2020)
123 |
Galtier S. & David V.
Inertial/Kinetic-Alfvén wave turbulence: a Twin Problem in the Limit of Local Interactions
Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 44603, 1-14 (2020)
122 |
Andres N., Sahraoui F., Galtier S., Hadid L.Z., Ferrand R. & Huang S.Y.
Energy Cascade Rate Measured in a Collisionless Space Plasma with MMS Data and Compressible Hall MHD Turbulence Theory
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 245101 (2019)
121 |
David V. & Galtier S.
-8/3 Spectrum in Kinetic Alfven Wave Turbulence: Implications for the Solar Wind
Astrophys. J. Lett. 880, L10 (2019); arXiv:1906.11830v1
120 |
Menu M., Galtier S. & Petitdemange L.
Inverse Cascade of Hybrid Helicity in Rotating MHD Turbulence
Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 073701 (2019); arXiv:1905:10250v1
119 |
Ferrand R., Galtier S., Sahraoui F., Meyrand R., Andres N. & Banerjee S.
On Exact Laws in Incompressible Hall MHD Turbulence
Astrophys. J. 881, 50 (2019); arXiv:1905.06110v1
118 |
Nazarenko S., Grebenev V., Medvedev S. & Galtier S.
The Focusing Problem for the Leith Model of Turbulence: a Self-similar Solution of the Third Kind
J. Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical 52, 155501 (2019)
117 |
Galtier S., Nazarenko S., Buchlin E. & Thalabard S.
Nonlinear Diffusion Models for Gravitational Wave Turbulence
Physica D 390, 84-88 (2019); arXiv:1809.07623v1
116 |
Meyrand R., Kiyani K., Gurcan O. & Galtier S.
Coexistence of Weak and Strong Wave Turbulence in Incompressible Hall MHD
Phys. Rev. X 8, 031066, 19 pages (2018)
115 |
Andres N., Sahraoui F., Galtier S., Hadid L., Dmitruk P. & Mininni P.D.
Energy Cascade Rate in Isothermal Compressible MHD Turbulence
J. Plasma Phys. 84(4), 905840404 (2018)
114 |
Galtier S.
Turbulence in Space Plasmas and Beyond (Invited Review)
J. Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical 51, 293001 (39 pages) (2018)
113 |
Galtier S.
On the Origin of the Energy Dissipation Anomaly in (Hall) Magnetohydrodynamics
J. Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical 51, 205501 (2018)
112 |
Andres N., Galtier S. & Sahraoui F.
Exact Law for Homogeneous Compressible Hall Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Phys. Rev. E 97, 013204 (2018)
111 |
Hadid L.Z., Sahraoui F., Galtier S. & Huang S.Y.
Compressible MHD Turbulence in the Earth's Magnetosheath: Estimation of the Energy Cascade Rate Using in situ
Spacecraft Data
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 055102 (2018)
110 |
Galtier S. & Nazarenko S.
Turbulence of Weak Gravitational Waves in the Early Universe
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 221101 (2017)
109 |
Hadid L.Z., Sahraoui F. & Galtier S.
Energy Cascade Rate in Compressible Fast and Slow Solar Wind Turbulence
Astrophys. J. 838(9), 11 pages (2017)
108 |
Banerjee S. & Galtier S.
An Alternative Formulation for Exact Scaling Relations in Hydrodynamic and MHD Turbulence
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50, 015501 (2017)
107 |
Andrés N., Galtier S. & Sahraoui F.
Exact Scaling Laws for Helical Three-dimensional Two-Fluid Turbulent Plasmas
Phys. Rev. E 94, 063206 (2016); arXiv:1608.08366v1
106 |
Banerjee S., Hadid L.Z., Sahraoui F. & Galtier S.
Scaling of Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in the Fast Solar Wind
Astrophys. J. Lett. 829(2), L27 (2016); arXiv:1609:00598v1
104 |
Banerjee S. & Galtier S.
Chiral Exact Relations for Helicities in Hall Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Phys. Rev. E 93, 033120, 6 pages (2016); arXiv:1602.00464v1
103 |
Meyrand R., Galtier S. & Kiyani K.
Direct Evidence of the Transition from Weak to Strong MHD Turbulence
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 105002 (2016); arXiv:1509.06601v2
102 |
Thalabard S., Nazarenko S., Galtier S. & Medvedev S.
Anomalous Spectral Laws in Differential Models of Turbulence
J. Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 48(28), 285501 (21 pages) (2015)
101 |
Meyrand R., Kiyani K. & Galtier S.
Weak Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence and Intermittency
J. Fluid Mech. 770, R1 (11 pages) (2015) - Front cover in May
100 |
Galtier S. & Meyrand R.
Entanglement of Helicity and Energy in Kinetic Alfvén Wave / Whistler Turbulence
J. Plasma Phys. 81(1), 3206 (27 pages) (2015)
99 |
Galtier S.
Weak Turbulence Theory for Rotating Magnetohydrodynamics and Planetary Flows
J. Fluid Mech. 757, 114-154 (2014)
98 |
Galtier S.
Theory for Helical Turbulence under Fast Rotation
Phys. Rev. E 89, 041001(R) (2014)
97 |
Banerjee S. & Galtier S.
A Kolmogorov-like Exact Relation for Compressible Polytropic Turbulence
J. Fluid Mech. 742, 230-242 (2014); arXiv:1308.4051v1
96 |
Meyrand R. & Galtier S.
Anomalous -8/3 Spectrum in Electron Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 264501 (2013)
95 |
Galtier S. & Banerjee S.
An Exact Relation for Compressible Turbulence
14th European Turbulence Conference Proceedings, 2 pages (2013)
94 |
Banerjee S. & Galtier S.
An Exact Relation for Compressible MHD Turbulence
14th European Turbulence Conference Proceedings, 2 pages (2013)
92 |
Nazarenko S., Shrira V., Fauve S., Galtier S., Newell A.C., Zakharov V.E.
Advances in Wave Turbulence
World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series A 83, 296 pages (2013)
91 |
Tronko N., Nazarenko S. & Galtier S.
Wave Turbulence in Two-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamics
Phys. Rev. E 87(3), 033103, 11 pages (2013)
90 |
Banerjee S. & Galtier S.
Exact Relation with Two-point Correlation Functions and Phenomenological Approach for Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Phys. Rev. E 87(1), 013019, 7 pages (2013); arXiv:1301.2470v1
89 |
Banerjee S. & Galtier S.
Compressible Turbulence: a Different Physics ?
Sf2A 2012, "Scientific Highlights", Boissier et al. Eds, pp 277-279 (2012)
88 |
Meyrand R. & Galtier S.
Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking of Hall MHD Turbulence
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 194501 (2012)
87 |
Augier P., Galtier S. & Billant P.
Kolmogorov Laws for Stratified Turbulence
J. Fluid Mech. 709 , 659-670 (2012)
86 |
Tronko N., Galtier S. & Nazarenko S.
Turbulence Anisotrope des Pseudo-Ondes d'Alfvén en Deux Dimensions
Les Comptes-Rendus de la Rencontre du Non-Linéaire, Falcon et al. Eds, pp 203-208 (2012)
85 |
Galtier S.
A Vectorial Law for Solar Wind Turbulence
Astrophys. J. 746, 184-1-4 (2012)
84 |
Meyrand R. & Galtier S.
Three-Dimensional Hall MHD Turbulence
ASP Conf. Series, Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows 459, pp 28-33 (2011)
83 |
Galtier S. & Bigot B.
MHD Turbulence : Waves or Eddies ?
Sf2A 2011, "Scientific Highlights", Alecian et al. Eds, pp 399-400 (2011)
82 |
Galtier S. & Banerjee S.
Compressible Turbulence in Astrophysics
Sf2A 2011, "Scientific Highlights", Alecian et al. Eds, pp 379-380 (2011)
81 |
Galtier S. & Banerjee S.
Exact Relation for Correlation Functions in Compressible Isothermal Turbulence
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 134501 (2011)
80 |
Galtier S.
Third-Order Elsasser Moments in Axisymmetric MHD Turbulence
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences (Physique) 12, pp 151-159 (2011)
79 |
Bigot B. & Galtier S.
Two-dimensional State in Driven Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Phys. Rev. E 83, pp 026405-1-9 (2011)
78 |
Galtier S. & Buchlin E.
Nonlinear Diffusion Equations for Alfvén Wave Turbulence
Sf2A 2010, "Scientific Highlights", Boissier et al. Eds, pp 299-300 (2010)
77 |
Meyrand R. & Galtier S.
A New Turbulence Regime in the Solar-Wind at Electron Scales
Sf2A 2010, "Scientific Highlights", Boissier et al. Eds, pp 303-304 (2010)
76 |
Galtier S. & Buchlin E.
Nonlinear Diffusion Equations for Anisotropic MHD Turbulence with Cross-helicity
Astrophys. J. 722, pp 1977-1983 (2010)
75 |
Meyrand R. & Galtier S.
A Universal Law for Solar-Wind Turbulence at Electron Scales
Astrophys. J. 721, pp 1421-1424 (2010)
74 |
Bigot B., Galtier S. & Politano H.
Solar Coronal Heating via Alfvén Waves and Turbulence
Solar Wind XII, M. Maksimovic et al. Ed., AIP Conf. Proc. 1216, pp 48-51 (2010)
73 |
Galtier S.
Solar Wind Turbulence: New Questions and Possible Solutions
Solar Wind XII, M. Maksimovic et al. Ed., AIP Conf. Proc. 1216, pp 109-114 (2010)
72 |
Galtier S.
Consequence of Space Correlation Foliation for Electron Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Phys. Plasmas 16, p 112310, 6 pages (2009)
71 |
Galtier S.
Exact Vectorial Law for Homogeneous Rotating Turbulence
Phys. Rev. E 80, p 046301, 9 pages (2009)
70 |
Galtier S.
Exact Vectorial Law for Axisymmetric MHD Turbulence
Astrophys. J. 704, pp 1371-1384 (2009)
69 |
Galtier S.
Wave Turbulence in Magnetized Plasmas
Nonlin. Processes Geophys. 16, pp 83-98 (2009)
68 |
Galtier S.
Extension of the Kolmogorov 4/5's Theorem to Hall-MHD with an Application to the Solar Wind
Sf2A 2008, "Scientific Highlights", Charbonnel et al. Ed., EDP-Sciences, pp 549-550 (2008)
67 |
Galtier S.
Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Sf2A 2008, "Scientific Highlights", Charbonnel et al. Ed., EDP-Sciences, pp 313-316 (2008)
66 |
Bigot B., Galtier S. & Politano H.
Development of Anisotropy in Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Phys. Rev. E 78, pp 066301-1-22 (2008); arXiv:0808.3061v1
65 |
Galtier S. & Nazarenko S.
Large-Scale Magnetic Field Sustainment by Forced MHD Wave Turbulence
J. Turbulence 9(40), pp 1-10 (2008); arXiv:0710.4412v1
64 |
Bigot B., Galtier S. & Politano H.
An Anisotropic Turbulent Model for Solar Coronal Heating
Astron. Astrophys. 490, pp 325-337 (2008); arXiv:0712.2029v2
63 |
Bigot B., Galtier S. & Politano H.
Energy Decay Laws in Strongly Anisotropic MHD Turbulence
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100(7), pp 074502 (2008)
62 |
Galtier S.
von Karman-Howarth Equations for Hall Magnetohydrodynamic Flows
Phys. Rev. E 77, pp 015302(R), 4 pages (2008); arXiv:0712.1525v1
61 |
Galtier S.
Exact Scaling Laws for 3D Electron MHD Turbulence
J. Geophys. Res. 113, pp A01102, 4 pages (2008)
60 |
Galtier S. |
Hall Effect in Solar Wind Turbulence
ASP Conf. Series, Numerical Modelling of Space Plasma Flows 385, pp 25-30 (2008)
59 |
Alexakis A., Bigot B., Politano H. & Galtier S.
Anisotropic Fluxes and Nonlocal Interactions in MHD Turbulence
Phys. Rev. E 76, p 056313, 8 pages (2007)
58 |
Sahraoui F., Galtier S. & Belmont G. |
On Waves in Incompressible Hall MHD
J. Plasma Phys. 73, pp 723-730 (2007) |
57 |
Galtier S. & Buchlin E. |
Multi-Scale Hall-MHD Turbulence in the Solar Wind
Astrophys. J. 656, pp 560-566 (2007) |
56 |
Galtier S. & Buchlin E. |
Hall-MHD Turbulence in the Solar Wind
Advances in Turbulence XI, J.L. Palma & A.Silva Lopez Eds., Springer Proc. in Physics 117,
pp 70-72 (2007)
55 |
Bigot B., Galtier S. & Politano H. |
Anisotropy in Three-Dimensional MHD Turbulence
Advances in Turbulence XI, J.L. Palma & A.Silva Lopez Eds., Springer Proc. in Physics 117,
pp 26-28 (2007)
54 |
Bigot B., Galtier S. & Politano H. |
Development of Anisotropy in MHD Turbulence
Sf2A 2006, "Scientific Highlights", Barret et al. Ed., EDP-Sciences, pp 527-528 (2006)
53 |
Galtier S. |
Magnetic Fluctuation Spectrum in the Inner Solar Wind
Sf2A 2006, "Scientific Highlights", Barret et al. Ed., EDP-Sciences, pp 537-538 (2006)
52 |
Galtier S. & Chandran B. |
Extended Spectral Scaling Laws for Shear-Alfvén Wave Turbulence
Phys. Plasmas 13(12), p 114505 (2006)
51 |
Galtier S. |
Multi-Scale Turbulence in the Inner Solar Wind
J. Low Temp. Phys. 145, pp 59-74 (2006)
50 |
Parenti S., Buchlin E., Cargill P., Galtier S. & Vial J.-C. |
Modeling the Radiative Signatures of Turbulent Heating in Coronal Loops
Astrophys. J. 651, pp 1219-1228 (2006)
49 |
Galtier S. |
Wave Turbulence in Incompressible Hall Magnetohydrodynamics
J. Plasma Physics 72, pp 721-769 (2006) - arXiv.physics/0608227, 72 pages
48 |
Parenti S., Buchlin E., Cargill P., Galtier S. & Vial J.-C. |
Looking for Signatures of Coronal Heating in the Radiative Emission of a Coronal Loop
ESA SP 617, p 104 (2006)
47 |
Galtier S. |
Solar Wind Turbulence
3rd French-Chinese Meeting on Solar Physics, Shanghai, Nanjing Univ. Press, pp 176-183 (2006)
46 |
Parenti S., Buchlin E., Galtier S. & Vial J.-C. |
Radiative Signature of Coronal Loops Submitted to Turbulent Heating
ESA SP 592, p 523 (2005)
45 |
Galtier S. & Bhattacharjee A. |
Anisotropic Wave Turbulence in Electron MHD
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47, pp B691-B701 (2005)
44 |
Galtier S. |
Une Théorie de Turbulence d'Ondes Inertielles pour les Fluides en Rotation
17ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Troyes (2005)
43 |
Bigot B., Galtier S. & Politano H. |
Transition entre les Régimes de Turbulence Faible et Forte en MHD Incompressible
17ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Troyes (2005)
42 |
Galtier S., Pouquet A. & Mangeney A. |
On Spectral Scaling Laws for Incompressible Anisotropic MHD Turbulence
Phys. Plasmas 12, p 092310 (2005)
41 |
Buchlin E., Galtier S. & Velli M. |
Influence of the Definition of Dissipative Events on their Statistics
Astron. & Astrophys. 436, pp 355-362 (2005)
40 |
Buchlin E., Galtier S. & Velli M. |
Simplified Simulations of MHD in a Coronal Loop by Coupled Shell-models
ESA SP 575, pp 120-125 (2004)
39 |
Parenti S., Buchlin E., Galtier S. & Vial J.-C. |
Modelling the Radiative Signature of Turbulent Heating in Coronal Loops
ESA SP 575, pp 497-500 (2004)
38 |
Buchlin E., Velli M. & Galtier S. |
Simplified Simulations of Non-linear Interactions in an Anisotropic Plasma
35th COSPAR, p 3555 (2004)
37 |
Galtier S. |
Coronal Heating and Turbulence
Sf2A 2004, "Scientific Highlights", Combes et al. Ed., EDP-Sciences, pp 95-98 (2004)
36 |
Buchlin E., Velli M., Galtier S. & Vial J.-C. |
Simplified Simulations of MHD in a Magnetic Loop of the Solar Corona
Sf2A 2004, "Scientific Highlights", Combes et al. Ed., EDP-Sciences, pp 91-94 (2004)
35 |
West R.J., Nazarenko S.V., Laval J.-P. & Galtier S.
Kinetic Turbulent Dynamo in the Large Prandtl Number Regime
Astron. & Astrophys. 414, pp 807-824 (2004)
34 |
Galtier S. & Bhattacharjee A.
Weak Wave Turbulence Theory for Electron MHD
Geophys. Res. Abstract 5, p 05452 (2003)
33 |
Buchlin E., Galtier S., Velli M. & Vial J.-C.
Simplified simulations of non-linear interactions in an anisotropic plasma
Astronomische Nachrichten 324(3), p 109 (2003)
32 |
Galtier S.
Turbulence and Anisotropic Space Plasmas: Applications to Solar Physics
Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches, Université Paris XI, France (2003)
31 |
Buchlin E., Vial J.-C., Lemaire P. & Galtier S.
Statistical Study of SOHO/SUMER Full-Sun Images
ESA SP 547, pp337-340 (2003)
30 |
Galtier S. & Bhattacharjee A.
Anisotropic Weak Whistler Wave Turbulence in Electron MHD
Phys. Plasmas 10(8), pp 3065-3076 (2003)
29 |
Buchlin E., Aletti V., Galtier S., Velli M., Einaudi G. & Vial J.-C.
A Solar Cellular Automata Model Based on Reduced MHD
Astron. & Astrophys. 406, pp 1061-1070 (2003)
28 |
Galtier S., Nazarenko SV., Newell A.C. & Pouquet A.
Weak Turbulence of Anisotropic Shear-Alfvén Waves
Solar Wind X, M. Velli, R. Bruno & F. Malara Ed., AIP Conf. Proc. 679, pp 518-521 (2003)
27 |
Buchlin E., Aletti V., Galtier S., Velli M. & Vial J.-C.
A Solar Cellular Automata Model Issued from Reduced MHD
Solar Wind X, M. Velli, R. Bruno & F. Malara Ed., AIP Conf. Proc. 679, pp 335-338 (2003)
26 |
Galtier S.
A Weak Inertial Wave Turbulence Theory
Phys. Rev. E 68, p 015301 (2003)
25 |
Ng C.S., Bhattacharjee A., Germaschewski, K. & Galtier S.
Anisotropic Fluid Turbulence in the Interstellar Medium and Solar Wind
Phys. Plasmas 10(5), pp 1954-1962 (2003)
24 |
Galtier S. |
Heating of the Solar Corona
2nd French-Chinese meeting on Solar Physics,
J.C. Henoux, C. Fang & N. Vilmer Ed., World Publishing Corporation -
International Academic Publishers, pp 104-113 (2002)
23 |
Buchlin E., Aletti V., Galtier S., Velli M. & Vial J.-C. |
A Solar Cellular Automata Model Issued from Reduced MHD
Sf2A 2002, "Scientific Highlights", Combes & Barret Ed., EDP-Sciences, pp 129-130 (2002)
22 |
Galtier S. |
Heating of the Solar Corona: a Brief Review
Sf2A 2002, "Scientific Highlights", Combes & Barret Ed., EDP-Sciences, pp 101-104 (2002)
21 |
Ng C.S., Bhattacharjee A., Germaschewski K. & Galtier S. |
Anisotropic Turbulence in ISM and Solar Wind
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 47, pp 22-45 (2002)
20 |
Galtier S., Nazarenko SV., Newell A.C. & Pouquet A. |
Anisotropic Turbulence of Shear-Alfvén Waves
Astrophys. J. 564, pp L49-L52 (2002)
19 |
Fournier J.-D. & Galtier S.
Meromorphy and Topology of Localized Solutions in the Thomas-MHD Model
J. Plasma Phys. 65(5), pp 365-406 (2001)
18 |
Galtier S.
Statistical Study of Short Quiescent Times Between Solar Flares in a 1D MHD Model
Solar Phys. 201, pp 133-136 (2001)
17 |
Galtier S., Nazarenko S.V. & Newell A.C.
On Wave Turbulence in MHD
Nonlin. Proc. Geophys. 8(3), pp 141-150 (2001)
16 |
Nazarenko S.V., Newell A.C. & Galtier S.
Non-Local MHD Turbulence
Physica D 152-153, pp 646-652 (2001)
15 |
Nazarenko S.V., Falkovich G.E. & Galtier S.
Feedback of Small-Scale Magnetic Dynamo
Phys. Rev. E 63(1), p 016408 (2001)
14 |
Galtier S., Nazarenko S.V., Newell A.C. & Pouquet A.
A Weak Alfvénic Turbulence Theory
European Geophysical Society, Book of Abstract, Nice (2000)
13 |
Galtier S., Nazarenko S.V., Newell A.C. & Pouquet A.
A Weak Turbulence Theory for Incompressible MHD
J. Plasma Phys. 63(5), pp 447-488 (2000)
12 |
Walsh R.W. & Galtier S.
Intermittent Heating in a Model of Solar Coronal Loops
Solar Phys. 197(1), pp 57-73 (2000)
11 |
Galtier S., Nazarenko S.V., Newell A.C. & Pouquet A.
Weak Turbulence Theory for Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamics
Lecture Notes in Physics 536, Springer Verlag, pp 291-330 (1999)
10 |
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Galtier S., Politano H. & Pouquet A.
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